I want to walk home someday
I want to walk home with tall
I want to walk home with ebony
I want to walk home with cute
I want to walk home with handsome
I just want to walk home.
I want to walk home with money
I want to walk home with assets
I want to walk home with wealth
I want to walk home with cars
I want to walk home with mansions
I just want to walk home.
I want to walk home with white gold
I want to walk home with silver
I want to walk home with diamond
I want to walk home with sapphire
I want to walk home with ruby
I just want to walk home.
I want to walk home with love
I want to walk home with passion
I want to walk home with care
I want to walk home with affection
I want to walk home with companionship
I just want to walk home… With You.
Image Credit: YouTube