Cross Over Service, ‘Mad Oh!’, prophecies, declarations, feet washing, anointing, visions, loud Amens.

PASTOR: This year is your year! Claim it!


PASTOR: I can’t hear you. I said if this year is your year, shout Amen three times!

CONGREGATION: Amen, amen, amen!!!

ME: *smiles*

Last year, I believe was your year. Last two years was still your year same as the years gone by. What did you do differently? Were the years truly your years? Yes? Good for you! No? What happened?

Pastor is right. This year is your year but if you don’t consciously take action, those words are empty. It’s more than the amens and the faiths for faith without works is dead.

No new year resolution? That’s OK but set goals, targets and have an action plan. Set timelines, checks and rewards for when you achieve.

It goes beyond the 31st and 1st of a new year. Let everyday be your day, every hour be your hour, every minute be your minute and every second, your second.


Mad Oh: An expression of surprise, shock or astonishment often caused by something unexpected or mind blowing. It can be used as an adjective in some cases. (Urban Dictionary).

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