I am dead and so are you. That careless expression on your face right now convinces me that you really are dead.  You might want to speak up for I can’t hear you through all that mumbling. You choose to grumble without hearing me out to the end. Suit yourself for your actions keep betraying you like a dead man.

I am dead and so are you. The second we looked at our neighbor with disdain, we became dead for we killed him silently in our heart.  The minute we said an unkind word to the driver who almost hit our car, we became dead for we could have spoken to him without cursing and swearing. The hour we looked past someone who needed help, we became dead for we had what it took to help selflessly. The day we told a little white lie believing no one will ever know we became dead for a lie is a lie and can never be sugar-coated.

I am dead and so are you. Last week we lost faith and hope because things didn’t go as planned.  We became dead for we forgot that we have a new week ahead of us to re-plan or start again.

I am dead and so are you but I must ask you if you enjoy being dead for tis such a simple thing to be and very hard to live. I started dying unconsciously until the grave became my home. You my dear one have a chance; another chance at life itself.

Take each day as it comes and give it your best. Never lose hope and faith for the dead have nothing to offer. I speak now so that you might live again for I need no partner in staying dead.


Image Credit: Flickr

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