Life is like a mystery with its ups and downs. Some days it looks like you’re progressing, taking all the huge steps to achieve your goals and other days it looks like a force more powerful than your fears is pulling you down. It feels like the descent is quicker than the ascent.

Life is like a mystery with ins and outs. Some days you feel so full of ideas like a yam barn during a good harvest. It’s like you can outrun Aliko Dangote in business. Other days, you’re bereaved of ideas and nothing productive comes out of you like a fast flowing tap suddenly turned off.

Life is like a mystery with its lefts and rights. Some days you make the right decisions like a farmer who knows well to plant cassava in the South because of its high demand, like a block layer who knows well to combine coke with bread. Other days, you blunder and struggle, full of regrets like a taxi driver who turns left into a one way, driving against traffic and having Road Safety on his tail.

With the ups and downs, the ins and the outs, the lefts and the rights, life’s mysteries cannot be solved but can only be endured, enjoyed or unraveled.

In the end, it’s your decision to make whether to live each day as it comes, making the best out of it or wallow in self-pity wishing for silver spoons that may never come.


Image Credit: Desiring God

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